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The Bravery

"The Spectator"from the album Stir the Blood2009iTunesThe Bravery's adrenaline-rush, retro-new-wave/punk rock is back with a flourish. The album is a sonic high, but a mixed bag of lyrical ups and downs. Singer...
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The Bravery

WEEKEND VIDEO "Slow Poison"Stir the Blood2009iTunes Between prepping the release of their new album, Stir the Blood, and branching out creatively, the Bravery have been busy lately. It's no surprise that the v...
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The Bravery

"Believe"from the album The Sun and the Moon2007iTunesMP3 - "Believe" (radio rip)Four-fifths of New York-based band the Bravery are still sprawled across mattresses or curled under duvets when drummer Anthony B...

The Bravery
“An Honest Mistake”

The Bravery are one of my frontrunners for a break-out band of 2005, a la The Killers or Franz Ferdinand in '04. They're a five-piece electro-rock group from New York. Their self-titled debut album comes out in...