“Wooden Heart”
from the EP Contrast

Download an MP3 of “Wooden Heart” from You Aint No Picasso

After being dropped from Universal for refusing to score a commercial, the Features are looking none the worse for wear on their new EP Contrast. “Wooden Heart” is a tad more more western cowboy than the electric blues that defined Exhibit A. Granted, they still do a great job melding keyboards and crunching guitar, but it’s just that the main hook–which is one of thier finest yet–always conjures up the image of an old west gunfight. And in a way, that’s not too far of a leap to make from the song’s subject matter. The protagonist has been wounded, but not by bullets. Rather, the battlefield of love has left this poor fellow without a heart. Like any responsible Southerner, he then proceeds to fashion a new heart out of pine, but is even further saddned to find that it doesn’t work quite like he had hoped.

~ youaintnopicasso.com


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Founded in Madison, WI in 2005, Jonk Music is a daily source for new music.