Having already released two widely successful albums in 2011 and 2013, Trevor Powers is poised to release his third album, Savage Hills Ballroom, on September 25. Better known as Youth Lagoon, Powers gives us a taste of what could be his best album yet with latest single “The Knower.”
If nothing else, the song highlights the maturity of Powers as an artist. Starting with a slow, soft set of vocals, he intricately adds layers of instruments. Gradually, the layers of sound build speed and merge for a psychedelic experience. Ultimately, the layering culminates in a cinematic finish that leaves the listener wanting more.
Although the sound is powerful, the lyrics provide perhaps the most intriguing aspect to the song, specifically through meshing with the layering: “Oh, everybody wants to think, That they’re good at heart, When they’re full of hate.” The lyrics contain multiple levels of meaning. One viewpoint is people choose to believe something that while obvious facts contradict that belief. Simultaneously, the bluntness of the lyrics suggests that this thought process is likely extreme and cynical.
These varying perspectives and the complexity of “The Knower” make it special because it leaves the listener trying to find the underlying truth. The may not even be one message. If this single is already provoking so much thought, we can expect quite a bit more from the whole album next month.[spacer height=”15px”]