
The Sidekicks: “Summer Brings You Closer to Satan”

The Sidekicks keep things simple and easy. Their sound is the high-pitched vocal screech of The Shins combined with the mainstream but inspired rock of Blink-182. The Ohio band, formed in 2006, makes growing up as easy (or complicated) as the pleasant nostalgia of prom, young friendships and early romance. Their 2015 album Runners in the Nerved World is sweet and soothing, untarnished by the augmented need for uniqueness or experimentation in the contemporary world of indie music.

“Summer Brings You Closer to Satan” is easy to love, and indisputably inoffensive, at least considering the witty punch of the song’s title. The overall energy is lighthearted and uplifting, distinguished by the occasionally decipherable lyric: “Just like a track sprinter / we’ll run till we get injured.” The quick vocal quips of singer Steve Ciolek create the rhythm on their own, with a punk-rock-pop fusion following in time. There is nothing overtly outstanding about “Summer,” or Runners. The enjoyment of listening lies in the sheer, clear-headed simplicity of production, proving that there need be no shock and awe for modern music to keep our blood flowing.[spacer height=”12px”]