
SW/MM/NG: “All I Want”

You better be ready to go SW/MM/NG. All lazy puns aside, the charming band from Fayetteville, Arkansas has won this writer’s heart. With a pretty obvious penchant for echoey guitar solos, the “lake pop” (as advertised by their Twitter account) group will take you right back to the now slowly-fading summer.

“All I Want” is bittersweet. But the track still proves that SW/MM/NG knows how to give lessons in how to Feel Not Bad. Queue profound moments of self-discovery while watching a sunset (or insert other cinematic example of individual world-pondering). The group is, sadly, in alliance with hundreds of indie bands in provoking this same visual sentiment of making one’s way up the west coast on some hippie road trip, but luckily the band has its guitar riffs to bring some saving bit of uniqueness. These bits and pieces of light, quick strumming (specifically toward the end of the track), resonating plucks and progressions turn relatively average songs into dreamy, pleasurable sabbaticals from the out there. They’ll leave you feeling not only “not bad,” but flat-out smiling. [spacer height=”15px”]