
Summer Jams ’14, Part 2 [Mixtape]

Summer is quickly winding down — how is it August 28 already?! — and as promised we have another collection of jams for your perusal ahead of the upcoming Labor Day long weekend. We recommend that you play these tunes by the lakeside and by the fireside, that you blast them from your car stereo on the way back home, and that you flow them through your earbuds next week when you’re back at school or work.

Let’s celebrate summer while we still can. And let’s remember that while Labor Day might be the unofficial end of summer, we technically still have until September 22—and of course it can always be summer in our hearts.[spacer height=”10px”]

Did you miss Part 1? You can find it here.[spacer height=”30px”]

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Paperwhite  “Take Me Back”

Brother and sister duo Paperwhite are undeniably influenced by the ’80s. “Take Me Back,” their most recent unashamed piece of pop, is chockfull of sparkling synths and electronic elements. Yet it’s also remarkable in its own right, as brother Ben and sister Katie show they know how to mesh a mellow beat and quietly bold vocals in such a way that both bends and mends your core. —AJ Dellinger

What they’re saying on Soundcloud:
When running with this in my ear, I feel like I’m in an early ’90s romance montage.
fredric-marshall Love the harmonies [spacer height=”30px”]

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Black Honey  “Teenager”

Unlike most teenagers who will fix their peepers on this page, Black Honey doesn’t have a Facebook. All that time away from a feed has surely been put to good use fleshing out “Teenager,” an open-road rocker with a dreamy chorus. Like most great music, “Teenager” feels timeless, both familiar and fresh in the way it calls back to an earlier age of tunes. —Andrew Brandt

What they’re saying on Soundcloud:
Langcou Sleeky. [spacer height=”30px”]

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Our Mother  “Fire Fire”

“Fire Fire” is a jam that calls for no less than full volume on a car stereo. With an effervescent synth line and some token nonsensical lyrics, Our Mother have crafted the summer’s quirkiest banger. With a mere two songs and no press features, they are one of Britain’s most elusive but nonetheless exciting new acts. With Jai Paul eternally toiling away at his debut LP, Our Mother just might fill the void. —Ryan Thomas

What they’re saying on Soundcloud:
never heard anything quite like this
TheHypeGuide This is indeed FIRE. hot damn. [spacer height=”30px”]

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Lia Ices  “Thousand Eyes”

“Thousand Eyes” is, quite simply, light. Floating on its simple, blissful lyrics, the track floats on like an afternoon breeze. And while the song starts with an electronic beat that wouldn’t feel out of place in a hip-hop track, Lia Ices’ acoustic guitar strumming eventually reveals itself to be the track’s true foundation; this one rewards extra listens. —AJ Dellinger

What they’re saying on Soundcloud:
Have to say, this track is awesome and is a great summer anthem song! Awesome work!
kaiiiros i love them harp sounding thang[spacer height=”30px”]

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A Million Billion Dying Suns  “The Garden”

A Million Billion Dying Suns produce a sound that’s less post-rock and more post-Earth. Their latest, “The Garden,” is music space junk—a meteor burnt up in the atmosphere and broadcast through fuzzy satellite reception. While its scorched guitars slam against one another, catchy hooks manifest beneath the noise, resulting in psychedelic grunge that makes it feel more than all right to rock a flannel in the summer sun. —AJ Dellinger

What they’re saying on Soundcloud:
Tame Impala vibe to it
chase-sellmeyer EPICCC!!! Can we use this in a mountain bike and flying video? o sweet! [spacer height=”30px”]

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Lowell  “I Love You Money”

Summer love songs are Grade-A bummers because summer love, by definition, only lasts the season. Lowell appears to have learned this lesson well, which is probably why she wrote “I Love You Money” instead. And since money (like most inanimate objects) will always love you back, this track is a freaking summer jam. Eric Forman loves cake; Lowell loves money. I love them both. —Andrew Brandt

What they’re saying on Soundcloud:
awesomeness5217 This is so different, spectacular. woooo! [spacer height=”30px”]

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Music Go Music  “Nite After Nite”

Nights are technically at their shortest in the summertime, yet it’s also the season wherein we find ourselves staying out the latest, living out our longest nights. “Nite After Nite,” a disco ball bruiser by L.A.’s Music Go Music, may or may not understand this paradox; regardless of their motive, they’ll have us up and at ’em night after night, night after night. —Andrew Brandt

What they’re saying on Soundcloud:
Clyde Robinson 1 Abba is still with us
MiltonandRobert Appleby Your music makes me happy! [spacer height=”30px”]

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Machineheart  “Circles”

“One more time, pull me in a circle,” L.A.’s Machineheart sings on their poppy debut single. In three minutes, “Circles” paints a vivd picture of a deadbeat summer in all its glory and repetition. But, not ones to be dull, Machineheart give their melancholy a positive spin: “We’re never gonna run and hide.” If this carefully crafted bubblegum pop is any indication, these guys will be all over the place within a few years. —Ryan Thomas

What they’re saying on YouTube:
DJVIC you should really get famous this is great
Roy Ogledzinski ditto that, I’ve been nodding my head to this in voluntarility [spacer height=”30px”]

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Beach Slang  “Filthy Luck”

Admitting to a loved one that your new favorite band is like a Goo Goo Dolls-fronted Japandroids can be a scary thing. But every summer that we youths-who-long-for-youth don’t get any new Japandroids tunes to obsess over, we get more desperate. Luckily, this summer’s fill-in killed it: Beach Slang not only got us out of bed, they got us drinking, too. —Andrew Brandt

What they’re saying on Soundcloud:
Joe Bonasia great sounds [spacer height=”30px”]

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JUCE  “Burning Up”

“Burning Up,” the latest single from London trio JUCE, sounds perfect for a scene in an ’80s coming-of-age movie, blaring through a top-downed car’s stereo while a pack of friends jam and cruise. It’s fun, it’s funky, and it’s so summer-y it may as well come packaged with a charcoal grill and a six pack. —AJ Dellinger

What they’re saying on Soundcloud:
Kenny Logue
Good summertime funk from 3 great girls
Raez fresh fresh fresh [spacer height=”30px”]

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Sinkane  “Hold Tight”

Some of the greatest innovators in history have taken tried-and-true ideas and melded them with cutting edge ones. These are the mad scientists that brought you and the airplane, the internal combustion engine, and the Mega Stuf Oreo. In a smaller, sexier way, that’s what Sinkane’s done with “Hold Tight.” It’s got the funk sound that was laid by daring souls in the late ’60s and ’70s, topped with an R&B croon that flutters, dips, and rocks in all the right places. —Riley Beggin

What they’re saying on Soundcloud:
dora johnson
It gives u a peace a mind when u r relaxed with a cup of wine.
Russell Ives 2 Dat voice smootha than buttah[spacer height=”30px”]

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Beach Day  “Don’t Call Me on the Phone”

“Don’t Call Me on the Phone” is practically a time machine. The guitars have the muted reverb of something that would play in a ’50s-era ice cream parlor, and Beach Day’s vocal stylings bring to mind early ’60s girl groups like The Crystals or The Ronettes. Besides, the central lyric is “Don’t call me on the phone / I’ll be far away from home.” If that means they’re landline-exclusive—which I really hope they are—it seems like a damn good way to live out the last few days of summer. —Riley Beggin

What they’re saying on Soundcloud:
Ed Zeitz
badass. the whole thing.[spacer height=”30px”]

Listen to all of Part 2 here:[spacer height=”8px”]

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