
CHPLN: “White Snow”

The components of this song are simple: the hollow pitter-patter of a percussive riff. Criminally laid-back swirls of synth. The grounding pulse of a beat, and relaxed vocals that settle on the track like pillowy drifts of its namesake. The way that CHPLN combines these elements in “White Snow,” however, elevates this song from a handful of pretty fluff into a well-balanced experiment in chilled-out electro-pop where the rich mood of piece eclipses any obtuse lyrics.

So who’s behind this song, which has found its way onto international airwaves despite the band’s lack of promotion? CHPLN (pronounced “Chaplin” and indeed named after the silent movie actor) is Dali Bor and Pippo Vari, childhood friends from the south of London who call their genre “multipop.” And while the duo may not have released enough material to provide a good feel for their range, there’s no question that they’ve found their niche: textured electronic fare that’s warm enough to thaw even the most stubborn winter. [spacer height=”20px”]