
5 Questions with

“Doses and Mimosas” has been a love-at-first-listen for everyone, and the result for Cherub is a skyrocketed career for the Nashville native duo and a record deal with Columbia Records. Jordan Kelley and Jason Huber have found themselves at the center of attention recently as the headliners of their own tour. Boom. What a year. Before heading off to the Midwest for their upcoming Wisconsin shows in Madison and Milwaukee, I chatted with Jordan and Jason about their past few months and upcoming weeks on tour. [spacer height=”10px”]

Friday, March 7, 2014
Majestic Theatre
11:30 PM; $5

Everyone has heard “Doses and Mimosas” and it’s given you a lot of recognition, but what is another song of yours listeners might not know that you wish they’d listen to?
“We really love our song ‘Don’t Forget Me’ and wish more listeners knew it.”

You recently signed with Columbia Records. How has life changed since being with a big label?
“Well, we haven’t experienced everything yet — we’ll get a feel for it once we release our full-length album, I think. I think for us the biggest thing we wanted was the chance to put our music in places we weren’t able to do before and reach audiences internationally, and now we’re even on mainstream radio and that blows our minds. Oh, also, we can cook our little dog Fly steaks; he loves that perk.”

You also recently put out your Antipasto EP. What can we expect from that?
“Well, I mean all sorts of stuff. We have guitars, voices, percussion, keyboard… more keyboard than before and we’ve really taken the writing process and brought it out a lot more than we used to. We used to write songs then fill them in with music, but we do it differently now. We start songs from nothing then try to take it the rest of the way there. We really have a ton of fun writing.”

Now that you’re touring again with a label and recent EP, what’s going to be different for you guys?
“We’re really looking forward to it; it’s the first time we have a whole bunch of people helping us make this a great tour. Our first ever headliner tour with production and opening acts; we even get tour laminates! We’re super stoked.”

You played a sold out show in Madison in the fall so you know a little bit about Wisconsin… but what’s something you’ve heard about Wisconsin that you have to see/try to believe yourself?
“Well it’s kind of cheesy…” (laughs) “…but everyone talks about the cheese here, and I get that because I’m from Nebraska and everyone rags on us about corn. But yeah, we want to have a good time and try everything here.”

[spacer height=”10px”]As the interview winded down the boys also wanted to mention how truly thrilled they are to be following the Dan Savage Hump Day Tour act, and they really approve of that happening before their show. Albeit brief, after speaking with Cherub for a short time it was obvious what matters most on their tour is their fans, and I quote: “We want to kick it with everybody after the show!”

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