First imagine Ben Stein’s monotone, sluggish voice during his Clear Eyes spokesperson days. Now begin listening to today’s featured song. Hear the resemblance?
Me neither. Adult Jazz’s “Springful” is anything but boring. But like Ben Stein’s voice, the song is oddly convincing — perhaps due to its differentiation from traditional audible lure. The song’s span of life is infinite. Fragmented yet conjoined, all the while with refreshing transitions, “Springful” is imaginably perpetual.
I have not been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (yet), but I am dazzled by Adult Jazz’s capacity to squeeze 6.48 vibrations into one track. Was that a bird? That’s like squeezing an elephant in the refrigerator, if the elephant was a mere conjunction of sound waves musicked by Harry Burgess, Tom Howe, Tim Slater, and Steven Wells.
P-p-p-please don’t let me relate Adult Jazz’s knack for differentiation to Radiohead… yet the winding patterns, the elasticity, and the mellow transitions do hint at something Yorkey.
You can call it “elastic,” you can call it “Springful.” But most importantly, call me when Adult Jazz releases their double A-side 12″ vinyl with this hit beside “Am Gone” on January 13 from their own label, Spare Thought. Please. [spacer height=”20px”]