
Sunday: “Anxious People”

Prepare yourself for yet another refreshing slap in the face courtesy of Jonk Music. This one arrives in the form of a fresh new single, “Anxious People.” As the debut track for a young group, this is about as fresh as it gets.

Sunboy, a brand spanking new duo out of Colorado, is recording a full-length LP consisting of songs completed in a Denver apartment. If any are as enjoyably layered as their first release, then I don’t care where they are made. Just make sure these middle-school-friends-turned-bandmates keep hitting us with the good stuff.

Now at the mature age of 21, Justin and Jordan of Sunboy do just that with “Anxious People.” The perfect blend, this track takes only the very best from the genres upon which it draws. Opening with a light cascade of notes over a simple drum and bass beat creates an instantaneous head bob and gently invites you into their funky groove. Vocals, slow and direct, waft in during a musical lull and provoke an eyes-closed listening experience as you attempt to gauge the mountain-air sound. Reverb-filled guitar before an upbeat harmony provides a hint that it’s coming, but by the time all of the elements have combined and the guitar solo kicks in, it’s too late – you’ve been slapped across the face. And you liked it. A few soothing piano chords bring you back to reality like smelling salts after a knock-out blow.

The engaging crescendo does not allow the staggered and steady build up of “Anxious People” to go for naught. As Sunboy continues to work on their inaugural album and prepares for their first ever show, we should all find the strength to stand in the ring and take their blows as they arrive. [spacer height=”20px”]