
SOLSKINN 2013 featuring
Julian Lynch, The Luyas, and more!

Jonk Music announces a ‘Make Music Madison’ showcase headlined by Julian Lynch

[spacer height=”5px”]Make Music Madison, Make Solstice Solskinn.

Make Music Madison is an upcoming new event celebrating both the wonder of the summer solstice and the joy of music. Just as June 21 is long, so is the list of local musicians who are set to perform in every nook and cranny of the city’s limits: literally anyone can play anywhere at any time. This is as DIY as it gets, folks.

This year, Jonk Music — in conjunction with Mad City DJs and the Elvehjem Neighborhood Association — is proud to announce a Make Music Madison showcase of their own, aptly titled Solskinn. Norwegian for sunshine, Solskinn is a free evening of Madison music held at Elvehjem Park, named for famed biochemist and one-time UW-Madison president Conrad Elvehjem, the McFarland-born son of Norwegian emigrants.

Solskinn is stockpiled with many of Madison’s favorite local acts, ranging from the lush electronic dreamscapes of Double Ewes to Madison mainstays Little Legend. Solskinn will also feature sets from the epitomical Midwestern-folkster Dietrich Gosser, the gorgeously inventive The Luyas (Dead Oceans recording artists from Montreal), and experimental bedroom wunderkind Julian Lynch (who recently released Lines via Underwater Peoples). But perhaps most excitedly, Solskinn marks the return of the infamous Icarus Himself, who hasn’t seen the stage since last November.

Solskinn is open to the public, and those of all ages are more than welcome to attend. Heck — bring your dog, too. The music will run from 4:30 to 9 PM at Elvehjem Park, so be sure to pack your best picnic basket and lawn blanket in order to fully enjoy the tunes you love best with the folks you love most. And remember, when you Make Music Madison, Make Solstice Solskinn.

The lineup for SOLSKINN at Elvehjem Park on Friday, June 21 is as follows:

8:15 PM – Julian Lynch
7:15 – The Luyas
6:30 – Little Legend
5:45 – Icarus Himself
5:15 – Dietrich Gosser
4:30 – Double Ewes

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