“To You” is the standout, far eastern inspired, bagpipe featuring single from Young Wonder. Based in Cork, Ireland (bagpipes, duh!), Young Wonder are a singer/programmer electronic duo set to make waves in 2013. Rachel Koeman, who doubles as a student nurse, provides pitch-altered vocals while Ian Ring provides production, and these combined together make for electro-pop perfection.
The production is deceivingly upbeat considering the song is about the death of a loved one, yet the contrast is sublime. The only extra thing that could complement the track is a dusk set-time at a major festival (get on it, Coachella). What really makes “To You” great is Rachel’s vague lyrics, specifically the lack of pronouns. It leaves the song to be interpreted as listeners see fit.
The Show Your Teeth EP is the follow-up to their spectacular self-titled debut. Released in April 2012, it’s definitely worth a listen; “Flesh” alone should suffice as a holdover until the Show Your Teeth EP is released (spring 2013). Until then, enjoy the strings and pipes and get familiar with the repeat function. [spacer height=”20px”]