Past experiences always seem brighter then what was actually happening in reality, and those affective floods of remembrance are often felt with caricatured intensity. Replicating these fantastic moments perhaps more emotive than any experience in present time, “Teen Dream” is exactly its title. Gleaming synth-pop and enslaving guitar hooks come together for a spell of puppy-dog bliss. The auto-tune(ish?) vocals are translucent and visceral yet a good listener can make out “Can we lay in bed all day / are you scared to grow / oh my god did she just say that she loves me.” Whether you hear the lyrics or just the vocal sound, it is easy to find romance in the voice.
Bilinda Butcher is the lady guitarist/vocalist of My Bloody Valentine, and I find it pretty amusing that two guys named their band after her. Is this what her solo project would have sounded like then? After recording their music under that name for years in San Francisco, the Bilinda Butchers currently reside in Paris and have formed a live band. Previously the duo would record separately but they are now writing songs together for their debut album.
The track you are hearing is off of their latest EP titled Goodbyes, released back in August. Both Goodbyes and 2011’s Love, Regret, Guilt, Dreams are botanic edens melting with vulnerability and desperation. Sentimental enough to intrigue the music fan of finer tastes yet synth-pop enough for Top 40 radio listeners to appreciate. These songs work just as well for star-gazing/laying around as they do for dancing/frolicking about. Both EPs are available on vinyl and CD from discAU Records, and the Bilinda Butchers are free enough to let you download the EPs for free at their Bandcamp site.[spacer height=”20px”]