
Mvscles: “Sweet n Sour”

For Boston girlfriend and boyfriend Cat Paternostro and Chad Montermini, making music was something they shared in common, along with a vocal pride in Boston ice-cream chain, J.P. Licks. The two decided that since they spent so much time together as it was, they might as well use that time for some couple creativity. What transpired was an electronic project Cat and Chad named Mvscles.

The bizarre band name was inspired by an inside joke between its two members, of Chad’s delight in going to the gym and building muscles. Just as their music refuses to conform to any one specific genre, the band made the conscious decision to replace a “u” for its pointed counterpart. Thus, the Boston pair became known as Mvscles, and have garnered substantial nods for their quirky brand of electro-pop.

The single “Sweet n Sour” helped Mvscles swell their thick in Boston’s indie scene, one that contains an eclectic mix of DIY rock bands alongside electronic hip-hop producers. Chad, a former drummer in an indie rock band, turned to electronic music because he wanted to write and produce songs. He quit his previous band, obtained a copy of ProTools, and began collaborating on songs with Cat. Granted programs such as ProTools, Garageband, and Fruity loops can turn any average Joe into a DJ/Producer, don’t let Mvscles’ tinkering with the beat machine deter you from giving them a listen. Both Chad and Cat are both schooled in music, having attended Boston’s Berklee School of Music (Chad) and the Boston Conservatory (Cat).

Electronic arpeggios in songs like “Where You Are” and “Sweet n Sour” resemble the buzzes and beeps of a spaceship’s control panel. This may not be far from the truth. According to the band, an extra-terrestrial being named Maurice writes most of their music and they look toward him (or it) for inspiration when creating their poppy, electro harmonies. Mvscles might be giving too much credit to their alien guru. That, or alien music taste has far exceeded that of carbon-based life. Either way, Maurice has chosen a talented couple in Mvscles through which to channel his martian vision. [spacer height=”20px”]