In 2010, the music world was somewhat blindsided. The airwaves were flooded with Gaga, TVs littered with Glee, and the state of popular music as a creative medium seemed somewhat in doubt. While it would be foolish to suggest then that one band or artist would eventually come in and save the day, there were a few exceptions to the unwanted rule. Maybe no artist or song fit that bill more than Passion Pit and their then-single “Moth”s Wings.” It was featured in movie trailers, soundtracked the opening to Fifa 2010, and landed atop many “best of” lists (including Jonk Music’s). But like any track or artist thought to be a flash in the pan, the overplayed nature began to sour a bit, and Passion Pit disappeared into musical oblivion.
In what, however, is surely a welcome return, the resurgence of Passion Pit brings forth a hefty order from both fans and critics alike: Trump the sophomore slump and create and album that can stand next to their previous release, Manners, while being recognized as a worthy counterpart. Easy enough, right? So it’s with subjective hope then that most fans will pine at the chance to hear what they have come up with. “I’ll Be Alright,” the new single off of the their upcoming release, Gossamer, gives the aforementioned fans and critics a chance to see if they have answered that order.
With one listen, it’s recognizable in its synth-pop nature, drawing much inspiration from many of the tracks that made Manners the feel good hit that it was — but “Moth’s Wings” this is not. To some extent, it’s an acquired taste. There is a familiar yet experimental vibe to the song that may get lost on some listeners. It doesn’t necessarily sound like anything you’ve heard before; however, the onus is on the listener to realize that this sort of release is where Passion Pit is able to showcase where their true talent lies.
It’s a bit gritty, if not noisy to an extent, though the true allure of “I’ll Be Alright” illuminates in part because of this grandiose approach. There is an all-encompassing vibe to the tune: it’s big and bright, and it is almost impossible not to dance while the song blares at a fever pitch. This is the kind of song to which the summer enthusiasts will inevitably flock. It’s filtered with a feeling of hope, and the intricate layers are bright and airy, almost to a point of outright euphoria. There is a sense of belief embedded within the DNA of “I’ll Be Alright,” a belief that speaks to the listener as much as it does the men who created it. While the track might not prove to be the smash hit “Moth’s Wings” ended up being, we still need songs to blare at the beach, right? [spacer height=”20px”]
I think that's what I like about it, it was totally unexpected but then again not. It's like nothing I've heard before. They're awesome for that. I got this pretty nifty shirt by pre-ordering the album.