
Vacationer: “No Rules”

Vacationer has found their feel. That is ever apparent in all aspects of the East Coast group. Each track, the lyrics, the music videos, even apparel among band members contributes to the relaxing island-getaway-mood that so befits the name Vacationer. The only thing that doesn’t mesh seamlessly into the tropical picture may in fact be their roots.

Gone, the debut album released in March, maintains the chill vibes throughout its short duration. Without a single song breaching the four-minute threshold and many closer to two minutes, Gone is the perfect summer soundtrack for a quick cruise with the windows down. No need to hit next, as the album will cycle past before you realize you’ve driven yourself to the beach. That same feel is not lost on tour. Lead singer Kenny Vasoli has the bright threads, radiating smile, and just lively enough stage presence to keep the audience from seeking out the sun. Live or studio, the quartet’s identity is certainly safe.

“No Rules,” one of the more mellow tracks on the record, has the ability to instantly transport you to a shady retreat on a warm summer day, and therefore makes it quite difficult to comprehend Vasoli’s start in the music industry through the band The Starting Line. Other than the common frontman on lead vocals and bass, the fellow Philadelphia groups are nothing alike. Vasoli traded in the pop-punk speed for the calming sounds now flowing from the synthesizer. The complete change of pace works wonders on deceivingly layered tracks like “No Rules,” allowing for sampling and electronics to carry the song without disrupting the simple, happy feel of a summer jam. [spacer height=”20px”]