
“Claudia Lewis”

M83’s gorgeous and breathlessly nostalgic album from 2008, Saturdays=Youth, was filled with songs for imaginary John Hughes films, gauzy synthesizer ballads for the culmination of Molly Ringwald’s yearning. Anthony Gonzalez, the 30-year-old French mastermind behind M83, obviously studied the songcraft, instrumentation, and romanticism of the music that was popular in his childhood, and his follow-up, Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming, favors the same era. But Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming feels less like the synthesis of remembered melodies. … Attribute part of that change to Anthony Gonzalez’s new vocal approach. Rather than singing in lower, sonorous registers, he approaches stadium-busting tracks such as “Claudia Lewis” as if he was trying to reach the cheap seats. MORE [spacer height=”10px”]