
Holy Ghost!

“Wait & See”
from the album Holy Ghost!

Holy Ghost! wears its influences proudly: Look no further than the duo’s video for “I Will Come Back,” a shot-for-shot remake of the music video for New Order’s 1983 single, “Confusion.” The band’s debut album could be labeled as unadulterated nostalgia, but the obsession with the past is a healthy one, as the crisp recording quality gives classic sounds a modern punch. Just imagine if new DeLorean DMC-12s started rolling off the assembly line with GPS navigation and dropdown DVD players.

The personality and songwriting of Holy Ghost! trumps the originality card any day. “Do It Again” nervously rambles about the mundane club scene, resulting in mild agoraphobia, while “Jam for Jerry,” dedicated to recently deceased drummer Jerry Fuchs, is a fine farewell of shimmering pianos and disco beats. Michael McDonald even shows up on the album’s final track.

“Wait and See” conjures the sound of matching neon wristbands gliding past keytar keys, in the process bringing more heat than most on Holy Ghost!. The galloping drum beat makes the track feel almost urgent: It begs for even five seconds of ear time, because it’s conscious of its own irresistibility.