
Miniature Tigers
“Gold Skull”

A couple of EPs and a full-length under their belt sees Miniature Tigers returning to the fold, offering up another gem of an indie pop record for the masses. Fortress has the band coming off confident as ever, backed by popular demand and praise from the blogosphere not to mention classic print media like Rolling Stone.

Single “Gold Skull” has the benefit of working with Neon Indian, though you have to admit that a producer can only do so much, you know, if the song isn’t actually there. Electronic blips raise the bar on the band’s pop elements, giving it a bit more of a pulse. Warm melodies come in and out of the song, putting this group on a competitive level with every other band out there. However, this song just has a certain something that rises above the rest, making it a favorite for many lists come the end of the year. From here they go right into another grand number, “Bullfighter Jacket.” Aside from the somewhat annoying “yayayayaya” throughout the song, there’s this ridiculously glorious drum work that accompanies every harmony created by the band. It’s like a more elaborate version of the Dodos, working with better melodies and higher pitches. MORE [spacer height=”10px”]