
Best Songs of the 2000s: Part 4

Now that the decade of the twenty-teens is five-plus percent complete, what better time than this holiday weekend to finally take a look back at some favorite songs of the ’00s? This is the fourth of four parts.

100 “Rebellion (Lies)”
Arcade Fire
People say that your dreams
are the only things that save you
100 “Reckoner”
You were not to blame for 
bittersweet distractors
Dare not speak his name,
Did I cater to all your needs?
100 “Reptilia”
The Strokes
You sound so angry, just calm down, you found me
I said please don’t slow me down if I’m going too fast
100 “Run”
Snow Patrol
To think I might not see those eyes makes it so hard not to cry And as we say our long good-bye, I nearly do
100 “Seven Nation Army”
The White Stripes
All the words are gonna bleed from me 
and I will think no more
And the stains coming from my blood tell me to go back home
100 “Shine a Light”
Wolf Parade
You know our hearts beat time out very slowly
They’re waiting for something that’ll never arrive
100 “Skinny Love”
Bon Iver
In the morning I’ll be with you 
But it will be a different kind
100 “Staring at the Sun”
TV on the Radio
I am the conscience clear 
In pain or ecstasy
And we were all weaned, my dear, 
Upon the same fatigue
100 “Steady, As She Goes”
The Raconteurs
Find yourself a girl and settle down
Live a simple life in a quiet town
100 “Still in Love Song”
The Stills
We were lovers, we were kissers
We were holders of hands, 
We were make believers
100 “Stillness is the Move”
Dirty Projectors
Isn’t life under the sun just a crazy dream?
Isn’t life just a mirage of the world before the world?
100 “Such Great Heights”
The Postal Service
I am thinking it’s a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they’re perfectly aligned
100 “Take Me Out”
Franz Ferdinand
So if you’re lonely, you know I’m here waiting for you
I’m just a crosshair, I’m just a shot away from you
100 “This Mess We’re In”
PJ Harvey (feat. Thom Yorke)
Night and day,
I dream of making love
to you now, baby
100 “Tiny Vessels”
Death Cab for Cutie
You touch her skin and then you think 
That she is beautiful,
But she don’t mean a thing to me
100 “To Be Young 
(Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)”
Ryan Adams
Young gal, you done me bad, and I went and did you wrong
100 “2080”
If you find me I’ll be sitting by the water fountain
Picket signs, letdowns, meltdown on Monday morning
100 “Two Weeks”
Grizzly Bear
Would you always? Maybe sometimes?
Make it easy? Take your time
100 “U.R.A. Fever”
The Kills
Go ahead and have her,
Go ahead and leave her,
You only ever had her
when you were a fever
100 “Walking With a Ghost”
Tegan and Sara
No matter which way you go
No matter which way you stay
You’re out of my mind, out of my mind
100 “The Way We Get By”
We found a new kind of dance
 in a magazine
Tried it out, it’s like nothing you ever seen
100 “Welcome Home”
Radical Face
You were never supposed to leave,
Now my head’s splitting at the seams
100 “Wolf Like Me”
TV on the Radio
My mind has changed my body’s frame, 
but god I like it
My heart’s aflame, my body’s strained,
but god I like it
100 “Wolves at Night”
Manchester Orchestra
I’ve got to crucify myself if I am gonna believe you, I’ve got to promise that I’ll finish all the things I said I’d do to begin with, too
100 “Yellow”
Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you
And all the things that you do
100 “Young Folks”
Peter Bjorn and John
If I told you things I did before,
Told you how I used to be,
Would you go along 
with someone like me?
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View Comments (40)
  1. Thank you so much for posting this list. It made the perfect backdrop music for my essay-writing process tonight. 🙂

  2. I agree with most of the songs. I own a lot of them! My favorite is probably Reckoner by Radiohead. I don't think it's my favorite song on the album, because I LOVE all the songs from In Rainbows!

  3. Good list, I guess. I never listen to these bands and probably will when the 80's get boring, as in never!!!!! But none the lest you have good taste my friend

  4. Good list I guess. I don't know to much of this music because I don't often listen to new music.If the 80's ever get boring I will, as in I will if I'm senile :P. None the less, you have good taste my friend

  5. Completely awful. I can't stand any of these songs, you obviously didnt pay much attention to music over the last 10 years.

  6. I feel like you put together this entire playlist for me personally. I haven't listened to nearly as much music as I would have liked recently, but this is perfect. Thank you so much.

  7. Everybody here realizes that there are FOUR parts to this list right?
    Amazing collection, glad I stumbled upon it[:

  8. Great artists, but lame choice of songs…whatcha do? copy the list off a radiostation playlist, nothing but singles on there.. missing hundreds of great songs and artists…

  9. This is a nice list but it's sad that you (almost) put only commercial music…There're lot of underground artists who deserve a place here.

  10. Here's the Spotify playlist for Jonk Music's Best of the 2000s. I don't think there's an official one, so I built it myself. Also, it's missing five tracks that weren't on Spotify (at time of construction):

    The Black Keys – All Hands Against His Own
    The Raconteurs – Steady, As She Goes
    Radiohead – Reckoner
    The White Stripes – Seven Nation Army
    Yeasayer – 2080


    (Users: if one of these songs becomes available, shoot me a Spotify message. I'd love to have a complete playlist.

    Jonk Music: if this infringes on a copyright issue or something, shoot me a Spotify message and I'll see what I can do)

  11. Glad to see that the Shins at least made it with ONE song. And Muse. I think it's a pretty good list…but I have no use for about a third of it which all sounds alike… unmusical repetitious banging with little intelligence to the lyrics. We need another Pink Floyd.

  12. Awesome list – glad to see the Arcade Fire and The Kills. Surley Kings of Leon deserve a spot as well? And there is no denying Arctic Monkeys, although it would be hard to choose just one song from both bands! Thanks for your list, I'll be sure to check out some of the ones I haven't heard before.

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