
The Veils

“Killed By The Boom”
from the album Sun Gangs

With Finn Andrews’ father being a founding member of XTC, there’s always the temptation to attempt draw conclusions about his music through his lineage. Yet, with The Veils, he’s always maintained a wide variety of work, one which acknowledges great British bands of the past without mimicking them. On “Killed By The Boom, the first song released from the forthcoming Sun Gangs, a sputtering, low end rumble, sharp, precise drumming, jagged guitars set to electric shock, and aggressive, spitting lyrics from Andrews (You can almost see the spittle collecting on the microphone), all make it far more “Jesus for the Jugular” than “Advice for Young Mothers to Be.” For the uninitiated, that means, this one’s modern and a bit manic, sinister, and not soothing, and it bites, in the good way something can bite.