

“Coast of Carolina”
from the album Telekinesis!

An earnest indie rock outfit from Seattle. Yes, it’s a concept that may warrant sarcastic proclamations of “How unique! Please go on!” — but this is when you should snub the sass and get down with it.

Telekinesis is Michael Benjamin Lerner, and he writes some pretty no-nonsense pop. He’s straight and to the point, and it seems that same principle was emulated during the recording process of his upcoming, self-titled LP.

Of course there’s blood, sweat, and tears in Telekinesis’ music, but it’s up to the listener to look for them since they’re not magnified with any illustrious production. Considering the music’s simple melodies and arrangements, it doesn’t sound like there’s much time to mull over what’s right and what’s wrong. Maybe revisiting and revisiting is fine for some musicians, but this is obviously not the route for Lerner.

Telekinesis’ self-titled LP will be released by Merge Records on April 7.