
The Go Find

from the album Stars on the Wall

MP3 – “Dictionary” [right-click/save-as]

On his second Go Find album, band main man, Dieter Sermeus decided he would attempt to leave the confines of being a solitary songwriter and move toward having his live band actually partake in the recording. The results of this change are abundant throughout Stars on the Wall.

Gone are a majority of the warm synthy sounds that graced Miami and in its place is a more minimal organic and softer sound. Stars on the Wall is reminiscent of Death Cab for Cutie with its whispered sensitive vocals and quiet arrangements. It’s as if Ben Gibbard took over Dieter Sermeus’ body and sang all the words. Stars on the Wall is a nice sensitive work that seems so frail that it might break down at any moment.

There are moments of near hyper activity, at least by the Go Find’s standards on this record. Every once and a while those old synths and keyboards show up and an actual pop song ekes out of the band. “Dictionary, hints at an almost beaty return to form and “We Don’t Wanna,” almost sounds like a Death Cab hit waiting to happen. They haven’t forgotten how to do pop, the Go Find just go about it a bit more quiet manner.

Stars on the Wall is a pleasant record. It’s a nice downtime sort of record. It’s not concerned with rocking out, just about keeping you company. It does a nice job of that with little reminders that it’s still around. One fears though that if the Go Find gets any more sensitive or soft they’ll just fall apart in a fit of tears. Breaking down never sounded so good.

~ Paul Zimmerman, First Coast News