
Van She

from the EP Van She


Download an MP3 of “Kelly” from

Van She, Van She, Van She. Let’s hope for the sake of all pop music, or at least for the sake of Top 40, that Van She makes some sort of huge impact in the States. I’d much rather happen to turn on the radio and have this playing than some Black Eyed Peas hacked up Sergio Mendes nonsense. Follow? I guess that goes without saying though.

Whenever some critic says that ’80s revival is over, a band like Van She comes out of nowhere just to prove them wrong. Which is great… because bands like Van She are just so much fun. They could easily be compared to a more jolly New Order. Or maybe even contemporaries comparisons… like a more playful Zoot Woman or less eccentric Scissor Sisters. Surely pop has not been this good since you were a kid. Yeah, it may just seem too happy, but is that really a bad thing? You can’t wear black every single day.

The video is worth checking out too. It’s like if Napoleon Dynamite was a sexy teenager named Kelly.
