“Don’t Listen to the Radio”
from the album Vision Valley

Audio stream of “Don’t Listen to the Radio” from Capitol Records

The Vines may never undertake a major tour again, but that won’t stop the Australian band from releasing their third album on April 4.

Due to singer Craig Nicholls’ Asperger’s Syndrome, a mild form of autism, the Vines’ website says that they won’t be able to tour for long periods of time but will figure out other ways to satisfy fans and keep the group members healthy.

The Vines are in the final stages of mixing the the new album with Aussie producer Wayne Connolly at Sydney’s BJB Studios and hope to be finished by the end of the month.

Connolly raved about Nicholls’ vocals and the band’s creativity in an interview with NME.com, saying that the album will include strings, a country ballad, space rock, wild punk rock, “a couple of great Beatles kind of punk songs, a bit of sixties beat garage stuff, a couple of really good indie slacker tracks and a bit of soaring pop stuff.”

The new single “Don’t Listen to the Radio” was made available on the band’s website. Working titles for some of the album’s other tracks include “Nothing’s Coming,” “Any Sound” and “Take Me Back.”

Though bassist Patrick Matthews wasn’t highly involved with the album due to the success of his other band, Youth Group, Connolly said the sometimes fractious group members have been getting along well and enjoying the recording process.

~ Phil Villeneuve, ChartAttack.com


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