
Orenda Fink

from the album Invisible Ones

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Most people who look at the cover of Invisible Ones before listening to it will think Azure Ray‘s Orenda Fink has completely lost her shit. The face paint, it turns out, concerns her recent spiritual quest to Haiti; her debut solo album, on the other hand, is the most accomplished collection she’s appeared on that’s not by Bright Eyes. Ranging from world beat experimentalism to grand, symphonic emotional electronica, Invisible Ones proves Fink is ready to join other out-in-front female mavericks like Tori Amos and Bjork. This inversely means that it sounds nothing like her Azure Ray running mate Maria Taylor’s fragile and pristine solo debut 11:11 released earlier this year. That record also sounded a lot like Azure Ray; Fink’s album succeeds mostly because it doesn’t. So take that for what you will. Who knew that could be such a compliment?

~ Trevor Kelley, Harp Magazine